Saturday, October 11, 2008




Voices quiet.

Bodies still.

You have two choices:
1. Sit in the chair over there until you get control
2.Follow directions and join the group for a story.

Great!Now get your jacket.Line up by the door.Wait for the teacher.Tip toe down the hall.And we'll go to the playground.
Careful on the slide. Take turns. Ye-ow-ch! You shocked me.
Did you hear that "snap" when you touched me?
What? You want to "snap" me again?
Okay. I'll wait here at the bottom of the slide.
Who's on deck? Ye-ow-ch! You "snapped" me again!
And for this I get paid!
Here's to my first "working class" Paycheck (minus taxes, Social Security and Medicare) in a dozen years.

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