I like gathering, don't you?
About 35 days ago, I was attending to a random barbecue gathering with few of my st.john buddies at WanYi's house...
I've forgotten the exact date as it had been about 1 month ago,...but the thing I remember
is that it was a joyful night.
At first, I didn't really know the actual purpose of this gathering, I thought it was just for meeting up and stuffs..so just decided to go there randomly...
Well, this gathering was specially organized for HHH (the fellow below) which is going to China for further study...

By meeting them, I found that most of them have grown up so much..
Each of them has their own dream and life, some of them even plan to go oversea to study soon...
all of us were so missing the days we had during our younger time..
we chit-chatted all the night like we have been losing contact for 10 years, hahaaaa......
they even talked about my ability of doing sit-up for 700 times non-stop last time in school...so crazy man!
700 times weiii, not play play one leh~~
hahhaa....I think only my st.john buddies would understand what am I talking about..
Anyway, thx for your all compliments....

thx wo, next time belanja you with a basket of papaya,k?!

I promised her, Rebecca that I want to have a fantastic dance with her...eventually, I don't make it..:(

Park Min, my lou-yao-kei, although he is small in size, but he is good! That's why I can friend with him till now..

The person standing on my right is FengZi, meaning that he is a crazy man....Loll...

a group picture with guys..so sorry, usually in our group, we always lack of girls...

What conclusion should I entitle for this post?
I think nothing much, hope that our friendship will be lasting longer and never break till entire life...
I sometime imagine how the image would be after 10 years or more, and we meet up with bringing our another half partner or even children along....hahaaa...
I guess it must be a very interesting picture...
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