Monday, November 9, 2009

heavy rain

I went to KDU Library today!!


coz the environment was so damm quiet compare to *ahem* library~
somehow... around 4pm... a msg from zilion...
"come and fetch me at 4++ nearby 5..."

SOOOoooooooo.... i packed my stuff... and i looked at the sky....
WOW~~~ so dark... with *ki ling ko long* somemore...


HAPPY AS WELL!!! why??coz ....i felt very hot throughout the day... i went to LDP there... start raining...
wah.... raining cats and dogs...
LOL!!!nearby proton edi... before the petrol station...
i only drove 30-40km/h on the right lane...
still fine with it!!turn to a junction...

haha!! CLIMAX!!!!

can see a lot of cars breakdown!!
yuhooo~!!firstly so damm happy... coz my car is 'tall', i wasn't affected...
of course, i drove slowly, becoz drive safe ma...
after few minutes, i realised...
the water was getting higher and higher!!! start to panic.. and msg zilion that i cant fetch him now... have to wait until the water flow away.
well, within this moment,i checked temperature ( my eye was really looking at it)... off off...and i parked my car by the road...

alone in the car is actually damm 'bek tahan!!!'
i got nothing to do... so have a snap in the car lo..
when i woke up,i saw everything looked fine...
start my engine and start my journey lo...LoL.....

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