Hehe.....after finish drawing the 'MSN pic', i like to draw comics recently....
i think if one day i abandoned by my future company,i can try to publish my comics and sell it to public...sure very laku!!! hahaha......
here is my 1st comic post:
the title should be.....er.....
what leh???
let's it be: The Result of Being a FOOL
this story is talking about something happen when i was swinging off a cliff la. hope u all enjoy ya....
SPLAT!!!! the 'middle part' of my two leg was bleeding....my 'bird' was hurrrrrrrrt!!! HAHAAAA!!!!!
End of the story. (guys, i know you all enjoy it when i hurt myself)
what is the greeny thing beside the tree that u knocked?
just imagine that is some grass around the tree...hahaha....
ohh, i tot it was green boat xD
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