Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1 station, 1 friendship (a belated post)

well... since we didnt meet up for few years, some of them decided to meet up at our 'old place'-- Station 1 Cafe at aman puri.

i saw so many friends there,especially josephine...the girl who sat beside me in standard 4&5. what i can say is, her hair become longer than last time....lol....xD
of course i saw wen jiat, jackson yap&teoh, yi chong, yi ting and so on........

she is josephine lo.

group picture with everyone:
wen jiat.one of my best friend in primary skul. yeah!!!
stephanie 'n' i. she used to have a lot of pimples on her face,but it is smooth now.good!!!

ended up at around 12am...er....i've forgotten what i did after this.lol...

anyway, MERRY X'MAS!!!!!! =)

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